Water Fluoridation: The Science and the Myths
Water fluoridation is a scientifically validated public health measure. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign to eliminate it is unjustified scaremongering.
A collection of 15 posts
Water fluoridation is a scientifically validated public health measure. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign to eliminate it is unjustified scaremongering.
Overselling Covid vaccines during the pandemic has backfired and played into the hands of the anti-vaccine movement.
The malaria vaccine may well help reduce deaths, but we should not exaggerate its efficacy.
Had it actually been “following the science,” the CDC would have transparently communicated its uncertainty at every step.
While the overall U.S. response to the pandemic was tragically deficient, we can learn a lot from the public-private partnership that sped vaccine development.
Vaccine technology has sped ahead, serving the critical function to break the link between infection and poor outcomes.
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay interviews ABC presenter and podcaster Josh Szeps about Australia’s unique experience in managing the COVID pandemic—and the urban legends the country’s quarantine system has spawned among right-wing pundits on the other side of the world.
Vaccine refusal also correlates with a feeling of alienation from the wider culture—what sociologists call “anomie.”
If COVID-19 was your ancestor’s saber-tooth tiger, then the lives lost every day to COVID-Zero is the cost of running away.
One need not posit some secret cabal of illuminati lizard people or the creation of a clandestine 5G-COVID bioweapon to make sense of the rise and potential dangers of Big COVID.
This overreach of public health also bleeds into the educational sector, where schooling is yet another SDOH requiring intervention.
The governments of the US, UK, and other nations have made real progress, but they must go much further in being transparent about their vision of how to win the war on coronavirus, and what they are doing to achieve it.
Measures implemented too early are deemed “alarmist,” if implemented too late, “negligent.”
The bottom line is that professional guilds such as the APA and AAP have a demonstrable track record of unreliability when speaking on matters of science.
Majority of micro-plastics emerge as a waste product from the laundering of synthetic clothing and the wear-down of synthetic rubber automobile tyres.