The Real Causes of Human Sex Differences
The prevailing view in the social and behavioral sciences is that human sex differences are typically small in magnitude, largely social in origin, and driven by gender roles (below).
A collection of 87 posts
The prevailing view in the social and behavioral sciences is that human sex differences are typically small in magnitude, largely social in origin, and driven by gender roles (below).
What our society is really suffering from is myside bias: People evaluate evidence, generate evidence, and test hypotheses in a manner biased toward their own prior beliefs, opinions, and attitudes.
Orwell’s most personally searing experience, though, had come in Barcelona in 1937.
Coronavirus is deadly, but it is not the bubonic plague, which had a mortality rate of 50 percent.
They argued that “mansplaining” was just the “tip of the iceberg” and so coined terms such as “Himpediment,” defined as a “man who stands in the way of progress of women.”
Mutual misunderstandings run deep and at times prove to be dangerous.
One of the ways we have been taught to nurture empathy is by deliberately trying to take the perspective of a suffering person.
Live your own life, worry about your own problems, and let others worry about theirs.
Until recently, those seeking transition generally were subject to extensive assessment by mental health practitioners.
A 2012 statistical report profiled a cohort of 34,000 Swedish heterosexual couples who had their first baby in 2000, and followed their progress longitudinally until 2010.
Understanding this mental tick, and how it operates, provides us with a clear picture of the process that turns outlier events into sources of persistent worry.
In recent years, psychologists and political scientists have identified several factors that influence conspiratorial thinking, such as political orientation, race and power (or the lack thereof). These are proximate causes of conspiracism.
Most setups that might appear to be non-hierarchical are actually deeply hierarchical.
Empathy is a fundamental human emotion that helps us to understand one another.
The unambiguous conclusion seems to be that people are better off believing in either libertarian free will (which grants us complete agency) or the intuitive compatibilism (which grants us compromised agency) that they tend to favour.