How French Intellectuals Ruined the West
Postmodernism and Its Impact, Explained.
A collection of 16 posts
Postmodernism and Its Impact, Explained.
Metamodernism conveys the experience of living in a world in which we feel comfortable oscillating between different perspectives.
Universities cannot withstand the assault on objective truth.
The Frankfurt School of social theory began about a century ago, in the Weimar Republic. It consisted in the main of a group of rather anti-capitalist, Marxist-light gentlemen who embraced oikophobia (the hatred or dislike of one’s own cultural home), and who were understandably disillusioned by the carnage of
According to this culturally relative view of the world, then, truth is arbitrary and exclusive, rather than evidentiary and shared. The consequence is divisiveness.
The tides of history ebb and flow, along with doctrines such as neoliberalism, modernism, postmodernism, and whatever it is that follows postmodernism.
Equally important is that this new definition of usefulness extends to nonhuman nature as well.
This new orthodoxy arrogates to itself divine authority to make truth claims on the basis of consistency with its asserted principles, and these are held to be immune to disproof or falsification by reason or evidence.
Professor Hanlon argues that, far from independently causing Trump, many postmodern theorists can actually help us understand the rise of Trumpism.
Suspicious reading is applied to any and every medium as well as every form of individual expression.
It is common to hear from the alt-right that words like ‘diversity’ are dog-whistles for anti-white racism.
Faculty in continental Europe already overwhelming lean left in the social sciences and humanities
Postmodernism is devouring the liberal arts. Such a deeply entrenched cultural problem cannot be solved by top-down intervention.
The locus of many conservative criticisms of postmodernism seems to be twofold.
The battlefield is indeed the university. How, then, does he characterize these two opponents?