Demographics Are Not Destiny, After All
Trump’s reelection reflects the final exhaustion of the post-World War II liberal and conservative cultural consensuses.
A collection of 503 posts
Trump’s reelection reflects the final exhaustion of the post-World War II liberal and conservative cultural consensuses.
The lessons of the 2024 election are complicated, but they certainly don’t foreclose the possibility of a sane, pro-freedom centre.
Many people were surprised by the number of Latinos who voted for Trump, but opposition to mass migration does not just come from Anglo nativists.
Whoever becomes the next Archbishop of Canterbury will face the arduous task of uniting the now-radicalised wings of the Church of England.
The Communist Party bears responsibility for the outbursts of Chinese hatred against Japan and its citizens.
Ignoring the far-left’s identitarian agenda is not enough.
The president-elect’s arrival in the White House will likely galvanise the European New Right and doom the Ukrainian resistance.
The people may have spoken, but the options with which they were presented were not befitting of a serious country.
Advancing technology is changing the way we fight wars and our understanding of heroism.
Boris Johnson got a couple of critical things right, but he never could or would have become a good prime minister.
It is time for democratic countries to accept that the existing system is broken and that they must develop a new global security architecture.
The conditions that first produced ISIS have been left to fester as part of a wider malign neglect toward the Muslim Middle East in the aftermath of the Iraq war.
Students should study extensively the presidential rhetoric of earlier times, because it often demonstrates civility far better than the rhetoric of the present.
Russia, Iran, and the failure of US resolve.
Only robust deterrence from Washington can thwart China’s designs in the South China Sea.