Kissinger and Cambodia
Attempts to hold US policy solely responsible for the rise of the Khmer Rouge are historically inept.
A collection of 503 posts
Attempts to hold US policy solely responsible for the rise of the Khmer Rouge are historically inept.
The extensive rot at the heart of Human Rights Watch.
A short history of phoney peace groups and their fellow travellers.
The defeat of Hamas is a moral necessity, but that does not obviate Israel’s responsibility to minimize civilian suffering.
Election results in the Netherlands and Argentina provide evidence of the vigour and variety of the New Right and its global reach.
Costin Alamariu’s (AKA Bronze Age Pervert's) doctoral dissertation is attracting a lot of interest but it doesn’t add up to much.
Republicans and Democrats have both learned the wrong lessons from Iraq.
The accusation is wrong on the facts and objectively serves to support the intent of Hamas to murder Jews with impunity.
How my parents swallowed a frog to save me from antisemitism.
Simply counting the dead does not produce a moral verdict.
It is the responsibility of Western activists to know who and what they support, and to separate themselves—openly and decisively—from programs and regimes that are predicated on violence and repression.
The restoration of a statue of Felix Dzerzhinsky in Moscow illuminates the gulf that now divides Russian society.
Those who demand an end to all suffering at any cost exhibit a utopian foolishness.
Moral relativism, and its equally dubious corollary of moral equivalence, too often mars contemporary Realists’ conceptions of political realities.
The Hamas atrocities of October 7th have refocussed attention on the place of a consequential voting bloc in Western democracies.