Across the Muslim World, Islamism is Going out of Vogue
Islamism as an ideology may be great at mobilizing people, but this doesn’t necessarily translate towards effective governance, as has been proven again and again
A collection of 28 posts
Islamism as an ideology may be great at mobilizing people, but this doesn’t necessarily translate towards effective governance, as has been proven again and again
Political apologies are quickly forgotten.
Machiavelli’s clear preference was for an advisor to be principled, believing in his advice and stating it clearly, but not importunate.
Gen Z’s simultaneous distrust of government and gravitation towards social democracy is therefore not paradoxical, it is causal—the embrace of socialist-lite policies is a consequence of distrust of the prevailing liberal establishment.
The culture wars revolve around highly charged, deeply personal issues that are exceedingly difficult to compromise upon.
The parties that have previously sold themselves as staunch defenders of freedom are now the parties most susceptible to authoritarianism.
In every political system, one hopes that the cream rises, that the rulers or governors will be the best and the brightest.
Setting aside for the moment the many physical and biological problems that must be overcome to establish a permanent base on Mars, it’s worth considering how one would govern such a remote colony.
The CPAC crowd loved Trump’s message—not his theatrics or his celebrity, but his message—and the fervent reaction to him far out-stripped that of every other speaker, including the many White House hopefuls who sought the GOP nomination in 2012.
The logic of a Harris candidacy rests on her coalition-building skills.
To understand our politics, we need to understand the cultural values that drive it.
After gathering a lot of data, it’s important to do a “sanity check,” which means taking a step back and making sure that the big picture that emerges from the data makes sense.
Why is this happening now? The usual response is to blame it all on the politicians.
Parsing these texts becomes an obsession for generations of true believers. The rapture, that bloody apocalyptic end of days, is replaced with revolution.
In the 2017 Act, Parliament simply gave permission to the Government to make the notification under Article 50, and negotiate a Withdrawal Agreement.