Podcast #249: The (Other) Scandal at Oberlin College
Jonathan Kay speaks with Roya Hakakian about the rise and fall of Mohammad Jafar Mahallati, a former Iranian official who’d presented himself to Oberlin as an agent of peace and ‘forgiveness.’
A collection of 319 posts
Jonathan Kay speaks with Roya Hakakian about the rise and fall of Mohammad Jafar Mahallati, a former Iranian official who’d presented himself to Oberlin as an agent of peace and ‘forgiveness.’
Iona Italia talks to John Wood, Jr. of Braver Angels, about building a stronger democratic consensus in America.
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay speaks with biologist Emma Hilton about the controversy surrounding a champion women’s boxer whom critics accuse of being biologically male.
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay talks to writer Joan Smith about the scandals that unfolded at the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre under the leadership of its male trans-identified CEO, Mridul Wadhwa.
Iona Italia talks to Oliver Traldi about his new book, ‘Political Beliefs: A Philosophical Introduction.’
Iona Italia interviews linguistic anthropologist Nick Enfield about why language is good for lawyers and bad for scientists.
The well-known bodybuilder and sports scientist speaks about growing up in the USSR, religion, war, and offensive jokes.
Jonathan Kay speaks to fellow podcast host Kushal Mehra about the ‘eerie similarities’ between censorship campaigns in India and Canada.
Iona Italia talks to Robert Zubrin, who argues that Mars offers an extraordinary wealth of social and intellectual opportunities that would enrich humanity. And we can get there soon.
New York Times columnist Pamela Paul tells Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay why standing around yelling slogans isn’t her preferred way of changing the world.
Iona Italia talks to Nev March about her historical novel, Murder in Old Bombay, and about the Zoroastrians of Bombay both past and present.
The couples therapist and men's rights activist discusses his new book and the current landscape of gender discourse.
Jonathan Kay talks to Atlantic Magazine staff writer Conor Friedersdorf about a censorious government bill that would allow officials to investigate Canadians for things they haven’t done yet.
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay talks to Duke University law school professor (and former US National Collegiate athletic champion) Doriane Lambelet Coleman about her new book, ‘On Sex and Gender: A Commonsense Approach.’
Iona Italia talks to Timandra Harkness about her new book, on our ambivalent relationship with personalised technology.