The Heckler’s Veto and the Right to Free Association
It's not just a matter of weighing up one group’s free speech against another group’s counter-speech. It’s also about one group’s freedom of association being impeded.
A collection of 93 posts
It's not just a matter of weighing up one group’s free speech against another group’s counter-speech. It’s also about one group’s freedom of association being impeded.
Humanism aspires to ethical universalism but in practice it is defined by what it opposes and excludes.
This is substance metaphysics for the twenty-first century.
And a guide for how to productively push back against the identity trap.
Eight decades later, the issues raised by the Russell case—the rights to free speech and academic freedom—have still not been settled.
On everything from Syrian refugees through Brexit and climate change to so-called gender-affirmative medicine, people take a totalizing approach to disagreement: either you agree with me, or you are despicable.
In undermining universalism and moral progress, "wokeism" is inherently reactionary.
The focus on the self to the exclusion of everything else is undermining the rule of law.
Richard Wolin’s reappraisal of Martin Heidegger offers both original contributions and a synthesis of critical scholarship. The result is a timely work of enduring importance.
A new book by John Sellars explores the life’s work and extraordinary legacy of the man he has provocatively called “the single most important human being ever to have lived.”
Far from being a phantom in the imaginations of a handful of writers and scholars, conservative socialism is a real phenomenon.
The progressive and the traditionalist are equally detached from the underlying reality as currently described by science.
Gender critical feminists are among those who have been excluded from Twitter for years. The time is right for a correction.
The human brain evolved to be religious, but religion also evolved to appeal to the human brain.
The further we look into the future, the less certain we can be about our predictions and plans.