White Lotus, Red Dragon—China’s History of Millenarian Dissent
When one woman refused and snapped at them to “go away,” they attacked her with a chair and mop handle.
A collection of 67 posts
When one woman refused and snapped at them to “go away,” they attacked her with a chair and mop handle.
Calling Hezbollah merely a terror group is too simplistic, and nothing in Lebanon is ever simple or easy to explain.
Ever since, all of Europe—the East as well as the West—has carried the burden of Nazi guilt, as others would have us bear the guilt of North American slavery and Jim Crow.
The spread of mass education may have exemplified the promise of liberal civilization. The spread of mass education may have exemplified the promise of liberal civilization. But, without an understanding and appreciation of what allowed it to flourish, it could also accelerate its dissolution.
While the Chinese government continues to transform Xinjiang through its cultural genocide program aimed at eliminating the distinct identity of the Uyghur population, it is also putting a high priority on controlling the history of the region and its people.
False allegations may be employed by either parent, but, given the prevailing winds of culture, the gun is far more often in the hand of a woman.
Mao Zedong activated China’s youth—unblemished and uncorrupted in heart and mind—to lead the struggle for purity.