The Sudden Unpopularity of Neoliberal Centrists
For every ad a corporation runs encouraging people to vote for a political initiative, it runs a hundred ads presenting a product or service through the lens of a socially progressive narrative.
A collection of 108 posts
For every ad a corporation runs encouraging people to vote for a political initiative, it runs a hundred ads presenting a product or service through the lens of a socially progressive narrative.
At a time when socialism and anti-capitalist populism are experiencing a resurgence, this is my attempt to turn the mysterious capitalist calzone into an appetizing capitalist pizza.
Abbey’s book is just one example in a sea of recent works of literature, film, and music, which romanticize the idea of leaving society behind to live—often alone—close to nature.
Historically, the decolonize movement is often highly selective in which facts it chooses to highlight.
Scientific and technological progress cannot happen without people thinking freely—so to clamp down on it is to clamp down on progress itself.
Parsing these texts becomes an obsession for generations of true believers. The rapture, that bloody apocalyptic end of days, is replaced with revolution.
My small classes faced a large photograph of Barack Obama displayed proudly in front of the classroom over the title “Notre Président.”
The star of Lolita is not Lolita herself, but Humbert Humbert, who hides his obsession with adolescent girls under a mask of tweedy old-world erudition.
Sowell distinguishes between the unconstrained vision and the constrained vision.
One of my sisters commented that I was so calm she thought the doctors must have given me a Valium.
Loury has taught at Brown University for over a decade, an institution where pleas for American patriotism are likely to be summarily dismissed. So why does he insist on making them?
As Thomas Paine wrote, “To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”
No one at Wilfrid Laurier University would give me a straight answer about anything. It was a climate of evasiveness and secrecy.
Don’t assume that the reason that you feel something, and that it’s right just because you feel it.
Quillette’s success comes from a group of writers compelled to express the truth as they see it. We couldn’t be prouder of our association with so many inspiring, talented free thinkers. From the dozens, we give a special nod to these five for their stellar contribution in 2018.