The Victims’ Race
Victimhood may confer ancient and effective advantages, but researchers are nonetheless alarmed by the scale of digital self-harm in adolescents, and the recent recourse to false accusations more generally.
A collection of 39 posts
Victimhood may confer ancient and effective advantages, but researchers are nonetheless alarmed by the scale of digital self-harm in adolescents, and the recent recourse to false accusations more generally.
Discussions today around Gen Z’s mental health occlude this possibility of a lack of adversity in our daily lives.
The higher the suicide rate in the group you’re advocating for, the greater your moral clout.
From genes to hormones to neurotransmitters, plays a role in shaping men’s masculine self-expression is, to say the least, a scientifically untenable position.
Introduction — John P. Wright, Ph.D. John Paul Wright is a professor of criminal justice at the University of Cincinnati. He has published widely on the causes and correlates of human violence. His current work examines how ideology affects scholarship. Follow him on Twitter @cjprofman. Thirteen years in the making,
Endless articles and innumerable campaigns have been devoted to helping men cry, ending the phrase “man up” and, above all, getting men to talk.
Researchers should systematically assess potential side effects when studying mindfulness treatments.
Police organizations had better start to pay more attention to the psychological health of these men and women who serve.
The decline in female subjective wellbeing was found to cut across both class and race and held true for women of all ages, with children and without.