Sandinista! The US Left and Nicaragua
However, recent events in Nicaragua have caused stirrings of unease among many of Ortega's previously loyal US supporters, and in some cases, strident criticism.
A collection of 190 posts
However, recent events in Nicaragua have caused stirrings of unease among many of Ortega's previously loyal US supporters, and in some cases, strident criticism.
Tech giants were slow to confront the regrettable purposes to which their platforms and systems were being put, preferring to single-mindedly pursue growth and profits.
It is unsettling to consider how similar today’s public cancellations are to those public executions.
Colorblind casting is precisely what it sounds like—the practice of filling roles in a play or film regardless of skin color.
Obviously, greater intellectual diversity among researchers would be a key corrective, but adversarial collaboration is also critical.
I. On April 18th of this year, Blake Bailey, 58, the author of Philip Roth: The Biography, was abruptly dropped by his literary agency, the Story Company. His book had been published on April 6th, and climbed to the top of the bestseller lists. But then allegations emerged that while
The following is an excerpt from Why It’s OK to Speak Your Mind, by Hrishikesh Joshi. Routledge, 196 pages. (March 2021) The division of cognitive labor Modern society is only possible because of the division of labor. Without division of labor, the most we could achieve is a very
To understand the coherence and moral import of transgender rights claims, we must first define what it is that we mean by “transgender.”
“Cancel culture” has become a trendy term in recent years. But public shaming has always existed. It’s a social tool, and like all tools can be used for good or ill.
The whole was something closer to verbal jazz.
The comrades worked together, ate together, read together, showered together, used the latrine together, sang together to the sound of accordions late into the night.
The popular vision of race in America seems to be incapable of breaking the gridlock that places the fate of black Americans in the hands of white society and then condemns that society to the wasteland of history.
In my first 10 years of college teaching, from the mid-60s to mid-70s, I modeled myself on my best teachers—men and women who questioned my ideas vigorously. They let me know that I mattered to them, they praised when praise was due, and they pushed me hard. Often I
This month brings us the release of Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. No, not the film. That came out in 2019. But now HarperCollins is publishing a novelization, written by Tarantino himself, and based on the earlier film. This particular type of fiction—the bastard offspring
How can you expect population parity in an enterprise when there are some groups (Asians? Jews?) who are significantly overrepresented?