Woke Antisemitism: A Reckoning
In their rationalizations of violence against Jews and Israelis, they’ve outed themselves as the extremists they are.
A collection of 121 posts
In their rationalizations of violence against Jews and Israelis, they’ve outed themselves as the extremists they are.
Following a litany of failures, Israel must now contemplate a menu of bad options.
In these dire circumstances, deterrence will only be restored with overwhelming force.
Hamas and the origins of the October 7th attacks.
Helen Mirren’s Golda Meir offers a profile of greatness in the face of overwhelming adversity.
A perennially controversial bestseller turns 65.
Herf tells the complicated and often surprising story of the internal political struggles in Western capitals, as well as in the halls of the United Nations, that erupted at the end of the Second World War.
Jonathan Kay speaks to famed Middle Eastern historian Benny Morris, whose latest book explores the ethnic cleansing of Turkey during the last decades of the Ottoman Empire. Transcript Jonathan Kay: Benny Morris is one of the world's most well-known historians of Israel and its conflict with the Palestinians,
In combat, the IDF was more disciplined, which accounts for its battlefield successes—though these probably also owed a lot to the character and quality of the armies they had faced.
The War of Return is an important book and, unquestionably, a welcome corrective to the plethora of myths, lies, and misconceptions that litter the discourse on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
New York Times editor and opinion writer Bari Weiss talks to Jonathan Kay about How to Fight Anti-Semitism, her new book on the rise in anti-Semitism in the U.S. on the Left and the Right, and what we can do to combat it. Featured image, Bari Weiss on Real
Immigration restrictions, like tariffs and other restrictions on trade, affect the activities of citizens above all.
Pluralism has been curiously absent from the BDS debate, which is currently gridlocked over the more narrow question of state neutrality.
The need for bridge-building and constructive dialogue has been overtaken by the belief that everyone in Israeli society is complicit in that nation’s uniquely deplorable sins.
Wajahat Ali’s crime is that by mere association with a Jewish group, he was tarred by important sections of the Islamic community as a traitor.