A Reply to Nick Cohen
My description of the Islamic veil as a strategic tool in the struggle for control of the public space causes Cohen great indignation.
A collection of 38 posts
My description of the Islamic veil as a strategic tool in the struggle for control of the public space causes Cohen great indignation.
Europeans challenged their own religion during the Enlightenment, and we’re all benefiting from their efforts today. But when non-Europeans want to do the same, it’s ‘Islamophobia’?
Wajahat Ali’s crime is that by mere association with a Jewish group, he was tarred by important sections of the Islamic community as a traitor.
If Hirsi Ali’s critics are tempted to cite statistics minimizing the threat, they will have to explain at what point – after how many more deaths – they will consider it necessary to take action.
The doctrine of inerrancy, on the other hand, places intolerable constraints on polite conversation, our only known alternative to violence.
Aslan peddles a sanitized version of Islam to gullible viewers.
John Pilger, Michael Moore, Tariq Ali, Arundhati Roy, and the Stop the War Coalition have shown their commitment to barbarism.
Much has been said about the attacks that does not require repeating. Yet it is worth bearing out that the Paris attacks may indeed be an inflection point in this century’s history.