More People, More Prosperity: The Simon Abundance Index
The Simon Abundance Index 2024 finds Earth’s resources 509% more plentiful than in 1980.
A collection of 5 posts
The Simon Abundance Index 2024 finds Earth’s resources 509% more plentiful than in 1980.
Western innovation is the most effective foreign aid programme ever discovered.
The standard textbook model of monopoly economics only applies to the real world in a narrow range of circumstances.
The developments of the search engine and social media follow the usual path of innovation: incremental, gradual, serendipitous, and inexorable; few eureka moments or sudden breakthroughs.
Science writer Matt Ridley talks to Toby Young about coronavirus, the prospects of finding a vaccine within the next 18 months, and his new book How Innovation Works: Serendipity, Energy, and the Saving of Time. He recently wrote for Quillette about GM crops.