Not All Identities Are Created Equal
The revival of racial identity to tackle social injustice reawakens an ancient beast.
A collection of 156 posts
The revival of racial identity to tackle social injustice reawakens an ancient beast.
A great writer shows us how to think rather than telling us what to think.
Medical transition, such as the kind I went through, can enhance an illusion that helps some gender dysphoric individuals navigate the world with more comfort.
I'm still not immune to violent political fantasies, especially when I become angry at scenes of Left-wing protests in Portland, Seattle, and other cities.
The University of Washington, like most schools, tracks the performance of student groups as part of its effort to enhance diversity and reduce inequality.
What our society is really suffering from is myside bias: People evaluate evidence, generate evidence, and test hypotheses in a manner biased toward their own prior beliefs, opinions, and attitudes.
But the real scandal—not discussed much in the media—wasn’t Krug’s decade of duplicity.
The activists seeking to eliminate TJ’s meritocratic admissions systems attribute this latter result to systemic racism.
Our profession functions well because constructive criticism, the need for empirical data, and a willingness to change have hitherto been so deeply entrenched.
Some nonbinary people will say that they don’t like labels such as “gay” or “lesbian” because they are binary terms; attraction to a man or a woman, even in the context of being gay, is still considered attraction to a binary gender.
And it turns out that she was, because despite the best efforts of her critics, she hasn’t yet been truly cancelled.
By 2014, Homo sapiens had, by the reckoning of the World Wildlife Fund, destroyed an incredible 60 percent of the wild mammal, bird, reptile, and fish populations that were in existence as recently as 1970.
If sexual attraction to older people is relatively uncommon, what about attraction to those who do not match one’s sexual orientation?
The fierce onslaught she received has served as a wake-up call, even for those who have not been following the debate closely.