A collection of 156 posts
The Campaign of Lies Against Journalist Jesse Singal—And Why It Matters
One of the odd-seeming aspects of progressive cancel culture is that many of the figures targeted by mobs aren’t especially conservative in their views.
Science Goes Rogue
Science as a discipline is supposed to be based on empirical evidence.
Replacing One Kind of ‘Conversion Therapy’ With Another
In many cases, therapists will disagree on the cause, as will the patient himself or herself.
The New Age of Empire—A Review
Andrews believes none of this. He is right in seeing that the United States is now the world’s foremost imperial nation—it dominated most of the 20th century, assuming the white man’s burden from the British and the French.
How a Single Anonymous Twitter Account Caused an ‘Indigenized’ Canadian University to Unravel
The main beneficiaries are more likely to be privileged administrators who burnish their bona fides by filling alumni magazines and email blasts with Indigenous photo-ops.
Decolonising Math is Rooted in a Decades-Old Conflict
The central point of contention seems to be between math’s claim to universal truth and the kind of subjective, lived-experience approach embraced by many social justice movements.
To Skate—Perchance to Soar
Skateboarding is simple and complex, pointless and transformational.
The Problem With ‘Indigenizing the University’
Everyone, Indigenous and non-Indigenous alike, is free to explore their own spiritual beliefs, of course. But the university is not the place for such exercises.
Towards Practical Empowerment
In A Critique of Anti-Racism, I offer empowerment theory as a framework for anti-racist work, whether it is activism or pedagogy.
Struggling with Pixar’s 'Soul'
If heaven needs to be segregated, what hope does Earth have?
Unspeakable Truths about Racial Inequality in America
We have to make ourselves equal. No one can do it for us.
Scottish Nationalists in Turmoil
The trans argument shows how easily it may be rocked back on its heels. Neither of the two women at loggerheads are transphobic on any but an extreme definition; they merely differ about how easy it should be to register a sex change.
First, Do No Harm: A New Model for Treating Trans-Identified Children
Individuals with a fragile ego structure also tend to be prone toward black-and-white thinking, which leads them to concrete rather than symbolic solutions.
The Battle for Moral Authority
Their fight is now ours today.