Immigration and Inequality
For people without a foothold in the new service and financial businesses, it was harder to make ends meet.
A collection of 156 posts
For people without a foothold in the new service and financial businesses, it was harder to make ends meet.
As institutions grow and evolve, they inevitably require reform, but that task can only be entrusted to those who have its best interests at heart.
As it turns out, focusing too heavily on closing the racial achievement gap to the exclusion of other priorities can be counterproductive to a school system’s mission and purpose, which is to educate all its students.
Hitchens didn’t just see how identity politics could warp a person’s ideas and principles—he understood that it could replace them altogether.
Its associated victimhood mentality, and the culture of (now state-sponsored) weaponized sensitivity that this mentality has incubated.
We are not arguing that racism has vanished, or that racists don’t exist. We’re making precisely the opposite argument.