What Is Autogynephilia? An Interview with Dr Ray Blanchard
Modern trans activists reframed transsexualism/transgenderism as a political problem rather than a clinical problem.
A collection of 40 posts
Modern trans activists reframed transsexualism/transgenderism as a political problem rather than a clinical problem.
In recent years, psychologists and political scientists have identified several factors that influence conspiratorial thinking, such as political orientation, race and power (or the lack thereof). These are proximate causes of conspiracism.
If I had known, 20 years ago, that my side in the ideological wars over gender and sex was going to win so decisively, I would have been ecstatic
If some faction of philosophers are able to declare an issue decided—over screams of dissent from other philosophers—then we can expect others to follow the same playbook.
A 2016 study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science found that people are more willing to sacrifice men than women in a time of crisis and that they are more willing to inflict harm on men than on women.
One of the big questions in evolutionary biology is: what drove our evolution from tree-swinging apes to bipedal, highly intelligent homonins that went on to build civilization and inherit the world?
The danger for the IDW members is to think that they’re ideology-free while holding to a very distinct classical liberal ideology, and rationalising that apparent contradiction by convincing themselves that the left, which has largely moved on from classical liberalism, has simply gone crazy.
Proposing that some gender imbalances in fields like physics might not be due to discrimination is like being a social scientist in the Soviet Union and proposing that some class differences aren’t due to discrimination.
"This monster isn’t David. It’s a parasite of some kind. You see, another consciousness inside him. This thing burrowed into David’s brain … and has been there, feeding off him ever since." - Loudermilk, FX Legion.
The mint plant salvia divinorum exhibits powerful and unusual psychedelic effects and remains legal.
Nowadays, every left-leaning parent and educator seems content to take a child’s word at face value if they say they were born in the wrong body, not realizing that by doing so, an important conversation is being brushed aside.
People value expertise in closed systems, but are distrustful of expertise in open systems.
The Starbucks incident parallels one of the historical cruces of the scientific revolution.
The ignoble tradition of Jung-bashing has had a steady following by lazy minds ever since, most recently evidenced in Jeet Heer’s article, Jordan Peterson’s Tired Old Myths.
For those who believe that gender is a social construct, and there are no differences between men and women’s brains, this paper is something of a reality check.