A collection of 341 posts
The Troubles and The Terror
How Will History Remember Obama?
Mostly, however, it was just disappointment. In both race relations and foreign relations, Obama unleashed forces, either deliberately or carelessly, which were beyond his control.
The Restart of History and the Russia Question
There should be no misunderstanding that Russia is an adversarial great power.
The Real Problem with Renaming Buildings on Campus: Logistics
Let’s face it: there is no logical, consistent way to approach renaming of buildings — especially when the protestors, themselves, are opposed to logical discourse.
The Sykes-Picot Agreement and the Making of the Modern Middle East
The agreement provided a general understanding of British and French spheres of influence in the Middle East. The goal was to divide between them the Ottoman Empire’s Arab provinces (not including the Arabian Peninsula).
Labour in Meltdown – But What Is Anti-Semitism?
For more than a millennium a term such as “anti-Jewish” would have made more sense than “antisemitism”.
Confusion About -Isms is Compounding Schisms
As many of these confusions pertain to some variety of liberalism — classical, neo, libertarian — let’s start clarifying things there.
A Memoir from Mesopotamia
The book documents the years she spent in the country, working closely with the American military.
The Masochists Who Defend Sadists: The Regressive Left in Theory and Practice
John Pilger, Michael Moore, Tariq Ali, Arundhati Roy, and the Stop the War Coalition have shown their commitment to barbarism.
History and Memory in Syria
Sometimes it is better to write from an unconventional perspective; sometimes what is missing from the equation is a greater sense of historical understanding.