Romanticizing the Hunter-Gatherer
It is important to note that this does not take into account the difficulty or danger involved in the types of tasks undertaken by hunter-gatherers.
A collection of 341 posts
It is important to note that this does not take into account the difficulty or danger involved in the types of tasks undertaken by hunter-gatherers.
Browsing responses to the recent release of assassination documents, this is where the best reporting and analysis can be found.
Convicting Mladić, who stood accused for his involvement in implementing and orchestrating the forcible transfer and eventual elimination of the Bosnian Muslim population.
This debate offered an opportunity to reflect on the respective merits of capitalism and socialism (the Jacobin representatives’ preferred alternative) and lessons from the past that might help us to build a better tomorrow.
Instead of emulating the Western experience, are increasingly pursuing indigenous paths to modernity.
Fear of individual and cultural extinction is both a cause and a product of the nostalgia so widespread in both Europe and America today.
It has almost been forgotten that the concept of privilege, and critiques of privilege as the source of society’s ills, are nothing new in history.
One important – and overlooked – effect was how it changed the idea of the term “Left” in political terminology.
Why did a flimsy interpretation of a small artefact from provincial Sweden seem so important to the English-language world’s most powerful news outlets?
It is important to follow the lead of both Applebaum and Fitzpatrick in standing firm in pursuit of the truth, whatever it might be.
For Aristides, Rome was the ultimate polis: the dispenser of just government, and through its unique constitution the embodiment of principled republicanism.
Many Russian people lived through the Soviet experience. Not so for the Confederacy.
Trump’s speech highlighted these key aspirations, and struck the right notes, for his intended audience—the socially conservative.
Most of the praise comes only from Classics teachers, or others easily impressed by a thin veneer of learning.
The Culture Wars and Beyond is an exemplary study: thorough, balanced, judicious, elegantly written, and all the better for its notably even tone and scrupulous sense of fairness.