Reclaiming Work as a Virtue
Somewhere along the way, many of the intellectual classes stopped believing in work as essential to survival.
A collection of 341 posts
Somewhere along the way, many of the intellectual classes stopped believing in work as essential to survival.
While social media inflames tensions, the law aims to remove emotion and passion from disputes.
Societies the world over have had to adapt to high rates of infant and child mortality, developing beliefs and social traditions to mitigate the impact of seeing so many of their offspring die
Amazingly, even as Cambodia disintegrated, the Khmer Rouge benefitted from unsolicited apologetics from intellectuals at the West’s august universities.
A better strategy would be for the American Left to celebrate Jefferson and his progressive legacy, just as their forebears once did.
Unfabling the East is a brilliant new book by Jürgen Osterhammel that goes back to the original sources, and carefully reconstructs the evolution of European views of Asia.
This is your chance to write in depth about what interests you,” said my lecturers as I prepared to embark upon my History dissertation.
Enlightenment, it is nearly impossible to find a human society that did not, at least at times, practice slavery and engage in barbarous acts of conquest and colonization.
Several Stanford University campus groups began protesting a free speech initiative that seemed designed to stir up controversy and privilege right-wing voices.
Somewhat similarly, at Oxford, professor Nigel Biggar was targeted immediately after his project “Ethics and Empire” was launched.
The liberal-to-leftist makeup of the discipline significantly influences the questions historians ask, the answers that we privilege, and the ways we teach and engage with the public.
While the achievements of the gay rights movement are commendable, we should be wary of queer separatist activism.
In analysing the political upheavals across Europe and America in the past several years, it has become customary to talk about ‘the elites’ and about ‘inequality’. This article will explore both concepts in political and socio-economic analysis, and posits that certain elites in the West need narratives of inequality to
“People (mostly liberals) tend to say, ‘You’re on the wrong side of history’ about social issues that are breaking their way.