Understanding Modern African Horrors by Way of the Indian Ocean Slave Trade
The modernizing elites of these groups then fought with the British during WWI and WWII, and demanded independence after the war, which they got.
A collection of 341 posts
The modernizing elites of these groups then fought with the British during WWI and WWII, and demanded independence after the war, which they got.
Among academics, it is considered a badge of honor to be paid in copies, or not at all. After all, you can’t put a price tag on genius!
Had Henry A. Wallace become President of the United States, it would have been the equivalent of Stalin directly taking over the highest levels of the American government.
As Thomas Paine wrote, “To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”
It would be decades before the people fully understood the fraudulence of 1959’s heady idealism, but it was corrupt from the start.
Before his corpse was cold, the Che cult had a ready-made logo; a brand. But what exactly does it signify?
In exile, Solzhenitsyn turned to harsh criticism of the West, not just for failing to stand up to the Soviet regime and fully confront its malevolence.
Mao Zedong activated China’s youth—unblemished and uncorrupted in heart and mind—to lead the struggle for purity.
Dictators, of course, are terrible people. They also tend to be terrible writers. Yet many tyrants have entertained the illusion that they were literary super geniuses. Mein Kampf and Quotations from Chairman Mao (aka The Little Red Book) are the best-known works in the dictatorial canon, but they represent only
The UDHR’s crucial claim is that the question of man’s nature is not merely academic or philosophical. It has moral consequences.
No matter how bitterly they attack one another, they still share many of the same principles and enemies—a fact that should be just as clear to them today as it was a few years ago.
Judah’s men were not gentle souls.
Brian was just one of thousands of Indigenous children who were subjected to horrendous abuse at Canada’s Indian residential schools.
The historical parallel between Jews and Asians is striking for a number of reasons—including the fact that both cases involve an explicit rejection of the idea that academic merit alone could be a tenable basis for admission.
Given what we know about the world, what would we expect to find in the wake of the assassination had Oswald acted alone?