The Professor, His Nemesis, and a Scandal at Oberlin
The story of how a liberal college promoted and defended an Iranian Islamist and betrayed its own values.
A collection of 50 posts
The story of how a liberal college promoted and defended an Iranian Islamist and betrayed its own values.
Should Jewish students accept the mantle of a marginalised group or reject DEI ideology altogether?
The success of the academy requires academic freedom and tolerance for viewpoint diversity. These critical values are under increasing threat.
In a recent speech to University of Toronto scholars, a Quillette editor explained why many of his fellow journalists are reluctant to report on administrative scandals at Canadian universities.
In a new memoir, a former academic administrator explains how she led the ideological campaign to enshrine DEI as a ‘core mission’ at the University of California.
The antisemitism of campus leftism may be incidental. The barbarism is the point.
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein has made a name for herself as one of STEM’s most implacable activists. Now the targets of her online attacks are fighting back
This will mark out the university as a place to avoid if you’re hoping for a serious education.
A new book traces the rising threat to free speech on American campuses—and explains how students, teachers, administrators, and parents can become part of the solution.
Damning facts shouldn’t be ignored just because they’re brought to light by the ‘wrong’ kind of person
And how higher education can reform from within.
A conversation with heterodox sociologist Andrew Glover.
To suggest that a spirited discussion of the importance of sex and gender in archeology threatens “scientific integrity” is to misunderstand the nature of science.
Men are disappearing from science and academia. The public perception is, however, exactly the opposite.
Are racial preferences in university admissions really dead?