The Victims’ Race
Victimhood may confer ancient and effective advantages, but researchers are nonetheless alarmed by the scale of digital self-harm in adolescents, and the recent recourse to false accusations more generally.
A collection of 4 posts
Victimhood may confer ancient and effective advantages, but researchers are nonetheless alarmed by the scale of digital self-harm in adolescents, and the recent recourse to false accusations more generally.
Kentucky State political science professor Wilfred Reilly talks to Toby Young about his new book Taboo: 10 Facts You Can’t Talk About. Professor Reilly’s last piece for Quillette was about the 1776 project.
Hate crime now appears as a political crime, an outrage against social justice. There is a good case for saying that actual incidents of genuine hate crime should be seen in this way.
Toby Young talks to Wilfred Reilly, an assistant professor of political science at Kentucky State University, about his new book documenting the prevalence of hate crime hoaxes such as that of Jussie Smollet, and what that tells us about contemporary American society. Professor Reilly recently wrote an article about hate