Philosophy’s No-Go Zone
An MIT professor describes the outraged reaction from fellow philosophers when he argued that a woman is an adult human female.
A collection of 35 posts
An MIT professor describes the outraged reaction from fellow philosophers when he argued that a woman is an adult human female.
Holly Lawford-Smith sits down with the women’s rights activist now leading the charge against gender ideologues.
The violent treatment of Kellie-Jay Keen betrays the fanaticism and misogyny that has infected progressive gender politics.
The problem isn’t that some academics are activists. It’s that some academics do activism badly.
A philosopher breaks down the debate over how to treat male criminals who self-identity as women.
Intended as an expression of trans rights, the fracas instead illustrated why many LGB feminists want to escape their ‘forced teaming’ with trans activists.
Gender critical feminists are among those who have been excluded from Twitter for years. The time is right for a correction.
In an extraordinary new book, Shannon Thrace describes her disintegrating marriage to a man consumed by narcissism and gender dysphoria.
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay speaks to Port Townsend, WA-area swimmer Julie Jaman, the octogenarian whose efforts to keep biological men out of a changing area reserved for girls and women led to accusations of transphobia, a visit with the police, multiple town-council debates, and an ongoing Twitter campaign called
The closure of Britain’s scandal-plagued youth gender clinic could help protect distressed children from unnecessary medicalisation.
We’ve lost sight of a basic feminist insight: To be gender ‘non-conforming‘ isn’t unusual. It’s perfectly normal.
In November 2020, the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) informed me that I was under investigation for my “off-duty conduct.” My disciplinary hearing is scheduled to take place from May 30th through June 3rd, and my career as a nurse hangs in the balance. I have been
Next week, I am taking my university to court. To my knowledge, it is the first time an academic institution has been forced, at trial, to justify why it prioritises trans rights over women’s rights. The other party in the case is the University of Bristol, which one might
While many of us are lazy and gullible in our ideological commitments, pledging allegiance to faddish notions so that we may be seen as enlightened, such vanities tend to fall away once we see evidence that proves we’ve been duped.