Video Games and the (Male) Meaning of Life
Research indicated that improved technological entertainment options, primarily video games, are responsible for between 20 and 33 percent of reduced work hours.
A collection of 57 posts
Research indicated that improved technological entertainment options, primarily video games, are responsible for between 20 and 33 percent of reduced work hours.
Gender dysphoria was viewed as a rare and distressing condition that could be alleviated by accommodating sufferers as legal exceptions to the rules of biology.
“Men aren’t women,” and the other asked “How are transwomen not men? What is the difference between a man and a transwoman?”
Alternative explanations that focus on the freely made choices of men versus women are usually spoken of only in hushed tones.
Reconciling the two official gender narratives requires threading a needle fine enough to separate matters of personality and identity from preferences for how one spends a large portion of their waking hours.
A society that respects neither religion nor art cannot be called a civilization.
Web sites such as Project Unbreakable, notwithstanding the good intentions behind their creation, can serve as a resource kit for dishonest complainants.
My experience shows that sometimes gender discrepancies develop within a professional field for reasons that have little to do with discrimination, and everything to do with personal choice.
Gatekeeping is not about saying “yes” or “no” straight-up.
A third problem with the belief that parental rejection is the norm is that it makes for bad policy.
There will never be perfect 50:50 gender parity in every field.