The Barbarian Evasions
Hamas’s progressive apologists seek self-justification in the moral incoherence of relativistic absolutism.
A collection of 59 posts
Hamas’s progressive apologists seek self-justification in the moral incoherence of relativistic absolutism.
The pro-Hamas demonstrations are driven by the identification of Israel with “colonialism” and the idea that the Palestinians are anti-colonialists. This approach is based on ignorance.
For more than a generation, defence policy and much else has been increasingly determined by the dictates of Israel’s religious settler lobby and its Messianic visions.
There is a new contender for the most effective weapon in the propaganda wars: photorealistic, generative AI art.
The libel that Israel is engaged in genocide attempts to do the unthinkable—to link the Jewish state with Nazi Germany. This cynical calculus is as wrong as it is obscene.
In Palestine, they’d be killed.
Sometimes, we simply have to stop the bad guys—even at the cost of civilian casualties.
Make no mistake: dead Israelis are good for Hamas, but dead Palestinians are even better.
The inflammatory Al-Ahli hospital hoax shows that much of the Western media remains compulsively addicted to dangerous and self-defeating war journalism.
Today's political and military leaders never imagined that the Hamas was capable of launching a successful invasion of Israel's borderlands.
It is rarely the case that all of the blame for a conflict belongs on one side. But that does not mean blame should be equally divided.
In their rationalizations of violence against Jews and Israelis, they’ve outed themselves as the extremists they are.
Following a litany of failures, Israel must now contemplate a menu of bad options.
In these dire circumstances, deterrence will only be restored with overwhelming force.