The Prophet of October 7?
Frantz Fanon’s defenders try to distance him from the of ethos of violence he advocated, even as they embrace his anti-colonialist rhetoric to promote anti-Zionism.
A collection of 59 posts
Frantz Fanon’s defenders try to distance him from the of ethos of violence he advocated, even as they embrace his anti-colonialist rhetoric to promote anti-Zionism.
Motions before any court—criminal or civil, national or international—contain references to hard evidence and a careful reading of legal precedent. The South African ICJ application has neither.
Many of the questions that have arisen since October 7 have been raised before.
The Jewish state is facing security threats from groups based in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and Yemen—all of them supported by Iran.
Philosophies of human cruelty, from Sade to October 7th.
A short history of phoney peace groups and their fellow travellers.
The defeat of Hamas is a moral necessity, but that does not obviate Israel’s responsibility to minimize civilian suffering.
For much of its history, Gaza moved people, things, and ideas by land and sea, and its name was associated with geographic interconnectedness.
Sectarian morality arises from the concept of collective guilt.
Forensic anthropologist and former U.S. Marine Julian McBride joins Quillette Cetera host Zoe Booth in a discussion about the war in Gaza.
Not all of those who advocate for a single state “from the river to the sea” have genocidal intent, but their recommendation, if acted upon, is very likely to result in either the genocide or ethnic cleansing of Jews.
Simply counting the dead does not produce a moral verdict.
Western countries are seen as colonizing nations and imperialists, while foreign autocracies and sectarian extremists like Hamas are perceived as freedom fighters and even forces for good.
It is the responsibility of Western activists to know who and what they support, and to separate themselves—openly and decisively—from programs and regimes that are predicated on violence and repression.
For Western LGBT rights activists to support Hamas's continued rule over Gaza is hypocritical in the extreme.