Cuba’s Imprisoned Truth
An interview with the father of Cuban political prisoner Walnier Luis Aguilar Rivera.
A collection of 227 posts
An interview with the father of Cuban political prisoner Walnier Luis Aguilar Rivera.
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay speaks with Meghan Daum about The Unspeakeasy, a ‘community for free-thinking women who crave honest conversations’
A conversation with the director of Australia's new Free Speech Union.
Aggressive content moderation is presented as a necessary response to hate speech and misinformation—but it's more like a moral panic.
The Indian government’s tendency to crack down on speech of which it disapproves dates from the founding of the republic.
The cowardice at America’s most important liberal publications is damaging democracy.
And how higher education can reform from within.
A conversation with author and free-speech advocate David Bernstein.
It's not just a matter of weighing up one group’s free speech against another group’s counter-speech. It’s also about one group’s freedom of association being impeded.
Eight decades later, the issues raised by the Russell case—the rights to free speech and academic freedom—have still not been settled.
The true power of free expression is revealed even in defenses of speech advocating against it.
By going to war against "misinformation" governments are merely diverting finite resources from addressing real harm to people and property, which purportedly justifies the panic in the first place.
Unless we can conquer our anxiety and restructure the way we interact, dreams of social unification will remain dead on arrival.
A recent dust-up involving NHL goalie James Reimer demonstrates the folly of pitting Pride PR against the conscience of individual actors.
We have power over words, not vice versa.