Poetic Injustice and Performative Outrage
Dehumanization can lead to the worst of human atrocities. It is also precisely the type of complaint Trump’s critics make of the president’s own behavior.
A collection of 227 posts
Dehumanization can lead to the worst of human atrocities. It is also precisely the type of complaint Trump’s critics make of the president’s own behavior.
Pluralism has been curiously absent from the BDS debate, which is currently gridlocked over the more narrow question of state neutrality.
The issue was that when a white playwright’s work was produced, casting directors were assuming that they should cast white actors. We were all aghast.
We call on public authorities, heads of cultural, academic, scientific, and research institutions, but also the judiciary, to pull themselves together.
Once you make it acceptable to tell the jester what is off limits in one context, you enable those who would seek to silence him elsewhere.
Quillette’s success comes from a group of writers compelled to express the truth as they see it. We couldn’t be prouder of our association with so many inspiring, talented free thinkers. From the dozens, we give a special nod to these five for their stellar contribution in 2018.
In fact, freedom of speech has been repeatedly repressed at the University of Guelph, and this has been going on for at least a decade.
So what are we to make of my ban? The only sensible conclusion is that Twitter is run by a coterie of crypto-fascists.
I have been teaching at my university for almost 20 years, yet I cannot recall a single instance in which my students protested the expression of an offensive idea.
If those who value free speech hope to convince the public of its enduring value, they would do well to more directly confront the poorly conceived theory behind progressive critiques, and the cynical abuse of public goodwill toward the vulnerable in society.
This increases the likelihood that individuals who cross the line by discussing sex differences will be warned not to repeat the behavior and will probably be okay as long as they comply.
Social media became instrumental in the toppling of dictators in Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen and, in 2010, it was Mark Zuckerberg’s turn to be awarded Time’s Person of the Year.
We must be the protectors of our own free speech, and habitually speak out not just against the tech giants, but also against populist gurus.
This was a room full of people passionately engaged in the world of ideas. Yet in their panelist remarks and Q&A comments, few of the speakers and audience members invoked the name of any actual party, politician or even broad political movement.