Syrian Torture, Then and Now
The atrocities committed by the Assad regime were no secret—but they were met with Western inaction.
A collection of 11 posts
The atrocities committed by the Assad regime were no secret—but they were met with Western inaction.
Mearsheimer and Walt still don’t understand American support for Israel.
Will Democrats abandon Biden over Israel?
Appeasement and deterrence in a nuclear age.
The case for removing the worst of the Arab prison states looks more justifiable than ever, even as the blunders involved in its execution look even more unpardonable.
The United States retains the capacity to defend the liberal order on both sides of Eurasia.
Williams, W. A. (1962). The Tragedy of American Diplomacy. New York: Dell Pub. Co. When the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) pinned Putin’s recent invasion of Ukraine on NATO’s “imperialist expansionism,” many policymakers and journalists on both sides of the political spectrum lambasted the organization for its half-hearted
A long-ago speech by a foreign dignitary may hold the key to recovering some lost wisdom about how America came into this role in the first place.
American oil companies didn’t want to topple Saddam Hussein; they wanted to trade with him.
For Kagan, the architects of the post-war order sought to wed America’s new-found superpower to the construction of a world order that reflected the domestic values of America itself: a liberal international order.
Western leaders who claim to be progressive, compassionate or 'feminist' are placed in awkward situations when the atrocities of their ally are broadcast on a weekly, almost daily basis.