A Kinder, Gentler Eliminationism
Peter Beinart has responded to the 7 October massacre and subsequent Gaza war with a deeply duplicitous book.
A collection of 109 posts
Peter Beinart has responded to the 7 October massacre and subsequent Gaza war with a deeply duplicitous book.
Conflict is brewing between Hongkongers who have made the UK their home and a Communist Party that wants to make the UK its vassal.
From laissez-faire to lèse-majesté: an embarrassment in four fits.
What remains of the ICRC’s ostensible commitment to “neutrality, impartiality and independence” has been destroyed by the Gaza war.
Syria’s new leader will have to balance his Islamist beliefs with the more pressing tasks of state-building and economic development.
The atrocities committed by the Assad regime were no secret—but they were met with Western inaction.
China is now turning its rage inward.
Iran and Russia have suffered serious setbacks over the past year, but grave dangers remain.
European leaders are struggling to cope with the multiple crises now facing the beleaguered continent.
In her new book, ‘Autocracy, Inc.,’ historian Anne Applebaum provides us with a distinctive and indispensable guide to one of the great challenges of our time.
‘The Message’ is a lopsided, unserious, and frequently embarrassing essay, the real target of which is the very existence of Israel.
Since the 18th century, the very process of innovation was uniquely institutionalised in the West. That is now precisely what is being globalised.
Syria’s crisis demonstrates the importance of power.
Some leaders in Europe may resist a new alliance with Trump’s America, but in a world dominated by bullies, sharp elbows and unpredictability may be what the times demand.
The future is unwritten, and a future of space cooperation and peaceful settlement remains possible.