Care Feminism vs Career Feminism: Quillette Cetera Episode 20
In a culture obsessed with girlbosses, this young mother wants us to see the value of women's work in the home.
A collection of 20 posts
In a culture obsessed with girlbosses, this young mother wants us to see the value of women's work in the home.
Second Wave feminists didn’t care very much about being nice to those outside of their movement.
Podcast Episode 63.
Tarantino is quintessentially American. He lets us linger and watch Tate in all her Technicolor radiance. He lets us love her. What’s more, he lets her watch and love herself.
Like any significant historical event, this gender revolution has multiple causes.
It is naïve to imagine that female voters will necessarily support feminist goals, even when they would benefit from them. Feminists have known this for a long time.
Speaking as someone with breasts, I can say with confidence that naked yoga is not a class designed for women. It is a class for men to pay a premium to ogle at a naked female instructor.
Some feminists in the West insist that the veil—not just the hijab, but also more restrictive coverings such as the burka—should be seen as not only benign, but actually empowering.
The progress of Muslim reformers, dissidents and apostates is hindered by leftists that use cultural relativism as a basis for their activism.
This is suspiciously like the argument often used by radical progressives after staking their claims in the moral high ground.
The scene, in other words, was all set for Kamala Harris to underline the powerlessness of women during Rao’s confirmation hearings.
It is easy to see what satisfaction the institution of the dependent family gives to all sorts and conditions of men – to the tyrannous man what opportunities to tyranny
“Men aren’t women,” and the other asked “How are transwomen not men? What is the difference between a man and a transwoman?”
As Hrdy sees patriarchal social practices as being rooted in our ancient evolutionary heritage, she argues that progress towards sex equality should not be taken for granted.
Do we really think our era is so fraught and divisive that we must abandon our principles in order to achieve something that we absolutely will not achieve if we abandon our principles?