Podcast #266: Reading and Writing Science
Iona Italia talks to eminent evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins about science, literature, and genetics.
A collection of 14 posts
Iona Italia talks to eminent evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins about science, literature, and genetics.
Male versus female is one of surprisingly few genuine dichotomies.
The Extraordinary Life and Work of Frans de Waal
A conversation with geneticist and writer Razib Khan.
An interview with evolutionary biologist Rob Brooks about the positive aspects of AI lovers.
Since the dawn of our species, the evolution of two distinct sexes has been fundamental to human reproduction. There is no such thing as a ‘sex spectrum.’
The Voyage of the Beagle is a literary masterpiece, as well as a scientific one.
Worker ants can sprout wings—but don’t. Ant and termite queens destroy theirs after mating. Many island birds evolve into flightlessness. Can evolution explain why?
Diamond is the most valuable, not only of precious stones, but of all things in this world. ~Pliny The Elder Loving someone, and having them love you back, is the most precious thing in the world. ~Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook At age 11, I first glimpsed the bewildering anthropologic spectacle
The connection with the Beit family and its financial generosity has continued almost unbroken since the founding of the College.
Female orgasms themselves could, once again, be roughly divided into being located either deep inside or comparatively on the surface.
Evolutionary Biologist (and new Quillette Managing Editor) Colin Wright on the State of Academic Science, Gender, and His Latest Career Move
The massive social media website Twitter—the central hub for cultural discourse and debate—is now actively banning users for stating true facts about basic human biology.
One consequence of these genetic battles is the effect on reproductive compatibility within a species.