Sex and the Academy
The inclusion of women in higher education is a great achievement for Western liberal societies. How is this changing academic culture?
A collection of 389 posts
The inclusion of women in higher education is a great achievement for Western liberal societies. How is this changing academic culture?
The case for ending calculus requirements for science majors.
The era of disconnected, infinite knowledge production should draw to a close.
When high-school students can’t tolerate hearing the name of a book title, we know there’s a problem in education.
Critical Race Theory is a distraction and 'equity' is just a buzzword. A new book by an award-winning teacher argues that the real challenges facing public education go much deeper than political ideology.
...but not in the way you might expect.
Tenure creates a dual world where some professors enjoy more freedom than others.
In teaching students that all knowledge is constructed through their own interactions, we fail to give them satisfying answers about the world and its meaning.
Joshua Katz knew it was dangerous to go public with his objections to a Princeton faculty letter, but he did so because his conscience demanded it. For this, he has paid an intolerable price.
In 2016, I was sitting in the classroom of a Melbourne school as Dr. Kerry Hempenstall described the early stages of a reading program. He projected a series of letters on the screen. First, he displayed an “f.” “This is an ‘f’,” he said. Then he displayed an “f” written
Academia has become an intellectual prison, and many incarcerated professors are compelled to live a dual existence.
Most great scientists and inventors have some background in the liberal arts.
Roland Fryer Jr.’s life is a movie script: A man abandoned by his mom and raised by an alcoholic dad became the youngest black professor to ever secure tenure at Harvard University. After ascending to the academic elite, Fryer didn’t resign himself to irrelevant technical puzzles; he put
A review of Dissident Philosophers: Voices Against the Political Current of the Academy, edited by T. Allan Hillman and Tully Borland. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 320 pages (November, 2021) Dissident Philosophers, edited by T. Allan Hillman of the University of South Alabama and independent scholar Tully Borland, is a compilation
In the debate about the wisdom of medicalised gender change for the young, there is a common refrain meant to expose the moral panic and ignorance of sceptics. No young person, we are told, gets any medical intervention before puberty. This may be true, but it obscures the more telling