Three Hard Truths About California’s Fire Crisis
Climate change makes fires more dangerous. Government competence matters. And preventing catastrophic fires requires expensive, unpopular measures.
A collection of 32 posts
Climate change makes fires more dangerous. Government competence matters. And preventing catastrophic fires requires expensive, unpopular measures.
A landmark report properly emphasises the application of science, not slogans, in establishing treatment protocols for trans-identified children.
No one should suffer professional or academic repercussions simply because they voice support for Palestinian rights and welfare.
Like Substack, Quillette is hoping to provide readers with more engagement, and less anger.
“Some editors are failed writers, but so are most writers.” ― T.S. Eliot
In its panicked dismissal of Klaus Fiedler, the APS has failed to deliver procedural justice
The attempt on the great writer’s life illustrates the dedication with which fanatics pursue the objects of their hatred.
Joshua Katz knew it was dangerous to go public with his objections to a Princeton faculty letter, but he did so because his conscience demanded it. For this, he has paid an intolerable price.
Over the last month, Vladimir Putin has invaded Ukraine, slaughtered thousands of its citizens, and laid waste to its infrastructure. At home, the Russian President has outlawed political dissent, arrested legions of antiwar protesters, shut down the last vestiges of an independent press, and, as Quillette contributor Robert Ginzburg has
If you pick the right projects, on the other hand, ghostwriting can be highly lucrative, especially as compared to the low payouts available to mid-list authors publishing non-fiction books under their own name.
In many parts of the world, the anti-vaccination cause is now closely associated with the right-leaning side of the political spectrum.
But since these same Times managers had already shown staff they can be bullied by office mobs, it was predictable that McNeil eventually would be thrown beneath the Times bus (an increasingly crowded place), which is why he now finds himself unemployed and begging for forgiveness.
The open question is whether a critical mass of Americans actually want civility, bipartisanship, and moderation.
It is always tempting to portray one’s political opponents as consumed by some inveterate flaw or social contaminant that marks them as fallen creatures.