How Liberal Elites Use Race to Keep Workers Divided—And Justify Class-Based Inequities
Liberals have abandoned history, because they have to believe they are superior to both elites of the past and the contemporary working class, at the same time.
A collection of 170 posts
Liberals have abandoned history, because they have to believe they are superior to both elites of the past and the contemporary working class, at the same time.
Under this policy, declaring one’s pronouns is required when people introduce themselves in court whether they present in keeping with their biological sex or not.
“Cancel culture” remains a contested term, and the chapter devoted to this phenomenon will probably attract the most discussion and controversy.
Most critics have instead based their criticism on the demonstrably false accusation that the report “denied the existence of institutional racism in the UK.”
Anime offers vividly coloured worlds, in which giant-eyed kids and anthropomorphized animals conduct heroic journeys against beautifully detailed backdrops.
One of the earliest stains on the legacy of psychiatry, my medical specialty, dates to the American 1840 census, when the US government first began systematically collecting information on “idiocy” and “insanity.” According to the results, the purported rates of mental illness among free blacks in northern cities were deemed
I first met Jo and Carol in Manchester two years ago, when I spoke as a clinician on a panel at what is believed to be the first conference dedicated to the issue of detransitioners (people who once presented themselves as transgender, but then decided to live in accordance with
The essence of AI is not white oppression, racism, sexism, and colonialism, it is the automation of mathematics and logic.
The recent spike in trans self-identification has made things even more difficult for these parents, because gender-related body dysmorphia often appears alongside other kinds of physically focused anxieties.
The very language we now use to discuss social justice and feminism is being subjected to American critical-race ideology and intersectional feminism.
Long COVID is just the latest example of the sort of idea that will become popular among this generation—and it certainly won’t be the last.
Gay men and women fought long and hard to be accepted for who they are, often battling reactionary bigotry in the process.
Social democracy was a product of the inequities of the industrial era and the consequent solidarity that flourished among working people. This often resulted in greater justice for racial minorities.
This isn’t to say that all causes of transgenderism are exogenous: the presence of neuro-atypical cognition comes up over and over, as does the sons’ process of discovering (or rejecting) their sexuality.
Many of the young men in question have, in moments of candour, hinted that their motivations for transition are unrelated to actual gender dysphoria.