Beware Cultural Drift
Thoughts on modernity’s monoculture mistake.
A collection of 22 posts
Thoughts on modernity’s monoculture mistake.
The dangers of forfeiting societal sustainability.
Few novels become institutions, to have departments rigged up around them, whole constituencies and spheres of scholarship, as works of lifelong study, fascination and confusion. Ulysses, whose publication centenary will be observed on February 2nd, is one such book. Like Marx’s Kapital, Joyce’s door-stopping opus has kept academics
Rand’s style often caused her to be misunderstood and dismissed as some kind of Nietzschean.
Education was divided along confessional lines into Catholic and Protestant school systems; for these purposes, Jews were designated Protestant.
Implementation of newly popular equity policies will hinder the learning of many students before those policies are weakened or reversed.
The socio-economic arguments are based on data indicating that the number of humanities graduates has declined rapidly since the financial crisis in 2008.
We are living in a time where the old models are changing, where the access to new styles and ideas is greater than ever.
Social justice culture is a moral culture, like honor or dignity culture. It’s also a political ideology, like Marxism or liberalism.
The reason why commons-dilemma problems are so hard to solve is that they are the result of perfectly rational behavior.
The enormous level of immigration to the United States has actually done little to change the overall demographics of the country over the past 20 years.
Women’s publications have tried to convince women they can be just like men, instead of celebrating femininity and what makes women wonderfully unique.
The Foucauldian method, invoking a hermeneutic of suspicion, works by unveiling or demystifying the relations of power that constitute claims to truth.
Ryan Holiday’s book 'Conspiracy' tells the story of Peter Thiel’s decade-long campaign against Gawker Media.
Christianity’s moral vision was not as revolutionary as a casual student of history might suppose. Nor did it equip Western society with a unique set of virtues that were unknown to the ancient world.