Requiem for a Female Serial Killer—A Review
Wuornos had maintained that all seven victims had become violent and either raped or threatened to rape her, and that she had killed them in self-defense.
A collection of 62 posts
Wuornos had maintained that all seven victims had become violent and either raped or threatened to rape her, and that she had killed them in self-defense.
Common themes in the emerging constellation of radical groups include apocalyptic beliefs, a “utopian” political agenda, martyr narratives, and a cell-based organizational structure.
I support helping the homeless—but with meaningful measures that have been proven to work, as opposed to policy that’s heavy on virtue signaling and ultimately short on humanitarian substance.
But instead, progressives such as Singh are far more interested in polluting Twitter with lazy lies and protest applause lines that erase any distinction between policing methods.
She has more than 20 years of experience working with families and children in true crisis, including with issues ranging from rape, to drug addiction, to terminal illness
Christopher Rufo, Director of the Center on Wealth & Poverty at Discovery Institute, talks to Jonathan Kay about the ideology fuelling the violent protests in Seattle and Portland.
Moreover, proponents of lowering the bar aren’t always acting on social-justice motives.
Over the last 20 years there has been a massive increase in awareness of Indigenous issues in Canada.
Blacks are still somewhat more likely than whites to suffer physical and verbal abuse from the cops even when the behavior of the suspect is taken into account. Findings like these contribute to a general sense that cops treat black people as an enemy.
The protests are not merely the legitimate exercise of constitutional rights to assemble and to petition our government—they are essential for sustaining the moral health of our democracy.
Cities in which inequality has been allowed to deepen for a generation now need to find new strategies that provide hope and fairer policies to their poorer residents. The alternative is watching them burn when minority and working class resentment inevitably erupts.
All in all, the evidence suggests that violent protests and rioting empower right-wing political forces, provide an opportunity for gangs to enrich themselves and exploit destabilized local populations, impoverish property owners, and harm long-term economic fortunes.
“This book will probably strike many readers as the work of an ill-tempered and mean-spirited fellow,” Banfield explained, “but facts are facts, however, unpleasant, and they have to be faced unblinkingly by anyone who really wants to improve matters in the cities.”
The self-exoneration and re-incrimination of Jens Soering.