Louise Penny’s Armand Gamache: Quebec’s Too-Perfect Police Officer
Detective stories are so popular in our culture that those of us lacking experience of the real life variety sometimes have difficulty telling fact and fiction apart
A collection of 62 posts
Detective stories are so popular in our culture that those of us lacking experience of the real life variety sometimes have difficulty telling fact and fiction apart
Facing Reality attempts to force into view data that many Americans would rather not acknowledge.
But often it seems that means and end have become reversed, and that these crimes now serve as a prop in the larger ideological campaign against our supposedly white-supremacy-saturated culture—a campaign that Asians themselves are now being pressured to join.
Minutes before Derek Chauvin was convicted on all three counts of murder and manslaughter, Ma’Khia Bryant, a black teenage girl in Columbus, Ohio, was shot dead by police. Almost immediately, enraged protestors gathered outside police headquarters. “Say Her Name!” they chanted. The New York Times reported that the girl’
As sexual violence was reaching historic lows, the narrative was demanding the opposite. The definition of sexual violence began to be broadened, and so the numbers grew.
Indeed, the title misleads: On Property focuses more on the historical threads linking the slave plantations to the abuses of modern policing than it does on its purported subject matter.
It is precisely because black lives matter that we must recognize that defunding the police has only hurt those it was intended to help.
There is no doubt that part of the goal of Allen v. Farrow was to finish off both Allen’s career and his legacy by presenting a definitive guilty verdict in the court of public opinion.
Press reports refer to activists condemning “anti-Asian racism” and fighting anti-Asian “hate.”
Leaving was a relief but also a loss. There’s plenty to love about Portland.
While there is likely a modest link between violent crime and single parenting, Faust and Manning are wrong about the benefits of a father-figure.
We have to make ourselves equal. No one can do it for us.
Yes, your car might be stolen even if you lock it and take the keys, but does that mean that no one should remind us to lock our cars and take our keys?
Terrorism is ultimately a weapon of the weak. By engaging in threat inflation, we expand the power and prestige of terrorists by allowing them to be more influential than they otherwise might be.
One of the most robust findings in social science is that reductions in effective policing correlate with increases in crime.