This Is Not Late-Stage Capitalism
Automation, artificial intelligence, and robotics are set to redefine the relationship between labour, capital, and production.
A collection of 10 posts
Automation, artificial intelligence, and robotics are set to redefine the relationship between labour, capital, and production.
The opposition to nuclear energy is not the only way in which mainstream environmentalists have, with the best of intentions, hurt the cause of climate action.
For the “new intellectual,” ultimately, the way forward has to be paved with nuance and understanding.
The bigger problem was that its edict wasn’t about diversity at all. It was about corporate opportunism: seizing an already popular social value and prominently emblazoning it with the Goldman Sachs logo.
So in the end, slavery, the slave trade and imperialism were not only morally disgusting but also of dubious economic value.
Embrace flexibility, encourage workers to look outside of work for their happiness, fulfillment, and ultimately their dignity.
Milanovic suggests that these two developmental histories—gradual and revolutionary—give rise to the two distinctive models of capitalism in the world today: “Liberal meritocratic capitalism” in the West, and one-party “political capitalism” in countries like China, Vietnam, Malaysia and Ethiopia.
At a time when socialism and anti-capitalist populism are experiencing a resurgence, this is my attempt to turn the mysterious capitalist calzone into an appetizing capitalist pizza.
While Scruton’s environmentalism gives us a reason to protect our local environments, the reality is that the effects of many environmentally damaging practices are not just experienced locally.
Just as it is unfair to compare idealised socialism to a realistic but flawed capitalism, so too is it unfair for Brook to compare his idealised capitalist vision to realistic socialism.