How Canada’s Cult of the Noble Savage Harms Its Indigenous Peoples
Generations of Indigenous children were forcibly sent to church- and government-run residential schools, which systematically stripped away their culture and language.
A collection of 144 posts
Generations of Indigenous children were forcibly sent to church- and government-run residential schools, which systematically stripped away their culture and language.
And yet, this being the bizarro world of 2018, Atwood’s role in Rak’s University of Alberta event wasn’t as a feminist heroine.
In contrast were the flawed reporting and misinformed commentary that characterized respected mainstream media reports.
The effect of the #MeToo movement, especially in Canada, is creating the same subdued atmosphere among men.
Abdou responded to the advice she got by writing a different kind of book altogether. “These were big edits,” she says. “I now had a ghost story without a ghost.”
Critical Theory was on the oppressive nature of mass consumerism which is closely linked to capitalism but it gradually expanded to cover almost every area of human relations.
There’s a solution, but it’s not one that most feminists want to hear.
Cossman consistently minimised the scope and power of C-16, using qualifying words and phrases like only, most extreme and high threshold.
Allowing one group to use freighted words like homophobe or racist or rapist to tarnish an individual’s reputation without proof violates a principle of fairness that some of us hold dear.