The Eyes of Another
Dostoevsky’s masterpiece, ‘Crime and Punishment,’ offers a radical reinterpretation of guilt and redemption.
A collection of 203 posts
Dostoevsky’s masterpiece, ‘Crime and Punishment,’ offers a radical reinterpretation of guilt and redemption.
A tribute to five pop fiction writers we lost in 2022.
An informative and apolitical new book reminds us that statistics are not always what they seem.
In a valuable new book, historian Richard Landes argues that Western reporting on the Second Palestinian Intifada helped to seed a misunderstanding of terrorism.
Solzhenitsyn’s Ivan Denisovich at 60.
In his new book, Murakami attempts to set the limits of what he wants people to know about him—and that isn’t much.
A personal tribute to the overlooked genius of writer W.C. Heinz.
2022 marks the bicentennial of the pseudonym’s transformation from literary dabbler into one of the greatest novelists of the modern age.
Jon Hamm’s portrayal is an improvement on Chevy Chase’s goofball routine, but still bears little relation to the amoral cad in Gregory McDonald’s novels.
Farewell to another of the Big Six novelists from the Golden Age of American horror fiction.
An outstanding new book tells the story of a wildly successful literary hoax. But it was just one of many.
Why is the Atlantic slinging mud at the 72-year-old author of ‘Where the Crawdads Sing’ on the eve of the film’s release?
If we demand that our artists be angels, we will not have any art left to appreciate.
The Ukrainian war has made Manning’s writing more relevant now than at any time since it was written.
The combined threats against Roya Hakakian and Masih Alinejad suggest a broader policy of violence and intimidation on the part of the Islamic Republic and its operatives in the United States.