The Trial of Daniel Penny
Perhaps the most damaging aspect of Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s racial-equity regime has been the perception of racial unfairness it created in one of America’s most racially diverse cities.
A collection of 54 posts
Perhaps the most damaging aspect of Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s racial-equity regime has been the perception of racial unfairness it created in one of America’s most racially diverse cities.
America was born of the virgin Liberty, and like the son of God in which it still largely believes, will always rise from the dead.
The popular vision of race in America seems to be incapable of breaking the gridlock that places the fate of black Americans in the hands of white society and then condemns that society to the wasteland of history.
Isn’t it a little late for the rehabilitation of the Black Panther Party (BPP)? After all, the organization that first caught the public’s attention in 1969 was already in its death throes by the early 1970s, beset by internal splits, criminal prosecutions, and violent faction-fighting. Yet, five decades
The white Jewish leaders who attended were told in advance that they were expected to come and listen—to be seen and not heard.
How can you expect population parity in an enterprise when there are some groups (Asians? Jews?) who are significantly overrepresented?
If you’re willing to endure the painful trial of self, you will be better for it in the end. And, with enough of us, the world will be better, too.
The difference between the civil rights movement and CRT isn’t one of degree or shade. It’s foundational.
There is nothing wrong with elevating anti-racism in one’s own life. But there is something wrong with imposing one’s moral reality upon total strangers.
Most critics have instead based their criticism on the demonstrably false accusation that the report “denied the existence of institutional racism in the UK.”
Minutes before Derek Chauvin was convicted on all three counts of murder and manslaughter, Ma’Khia Bryant, a black teenage girl in Columbus, Ohio, was shot dead by police. Almost immediately, enraged protestors gathered outside police headquarters. “Say Her Name!” they chanted. The New York Times reported that the girl’
Indeed, the title misleads: On Property focuses more on the historical threads linking the slave plantations to the abuses of modern policing than it does on its purported subject matter.
It is precisely because black lives matter that we must recognize that defunding the police has only hurt those it was intended to help.
Andrews believes none of this. He is right in seeing that the United States is now the world’s foremost imperial nation—it dominated most of the 20th century, assuming the white man’s burden from the British and the French.
In A Critique of Anti-Racism, I offer empowerment theory as a framework for anti-racist work, whether it is activism or pedagogy.