On Biology and Politics
Why the Left must take human evolution seriously.
A collection of 12 posts
Why the Left must take human evolution seriously.
A frightening injury at an NHL-sponsored transgender tournament in Wisconsin reminds us why women’s leagues should remain sex-protected spaces.
The progressive and the traditionalist are equally detached from the underlying reality as currently described by science.
As a biologically male player continues a meteoric rise on the female circuit, women are starting to speak out.
If confusion between moral and empirical claims persists, we will find ourselves asked to choose between the truth and our ethical preferences.
In June, my co-authors and I published an article describing the reality of biological sex. The resulting controversy persists to this day.
Most new technologies, when they are launched, arrive with a lot of hype. While 3D printing fits the business model for customized products, it is not yet cost effective in a commercial manufacturing sector which requires mass production.
The different physical attributes of males and females have functional consequences for sports-relevant outputs.
Everyday fudging of experimental data in laboratories cannot exclusively be explained by researchers’ desire to get an intuited result in a better-than-perfect form, as was the case with Mendel, or to distinguish themselves through the accuracy of their measurements, as with Millikan.
What are the physiological and anatomical differences between men and women that affect performance?
It seems fitting that twins (1) come in two types, (2) are fascinating at two levels and (3) enhance understanding of human development in two ways.
Plomin tries to present this cascade of new information about the genetic influence on human behavior in a way that will positively affect human behavior – but his own work suggests the impact of such arguments will be limited.