One Year Since the AI Pause Petition
Just because we can imagine something terrible happening, that does not mean it will happen.
A collection of 9 posts
Just because we can imagine something terrible happening, that does not mean it will happen.
Explaining the “accel/decel” split at the heart of the OpenAI power struggle.
Human beings need meaning, and a life in which all one’s needs were met by external agents would fail to provide it.
An interview with evolutionary biologist Rob Brooks about the positive aspects of AI lovers.
The first stage of grief is denial, but despair is also misplaced.
AVs are essentially robots with the same requirements as human-driven vehicles—driving and parking skills, the ability to communicate with other cars and the infrastructure, navigation skills, and access to a source of energy.
The essence of AI is not white oppression, racism, sexism, and colonialism, it is the automation of mathematics and logic.
It’s easy to decry cancel culture, but hard to turn it back. Thankfully, recent developments in my area of academic specialty—artificial intelligence (AI)—show that fighting cancel culture isn’t impossible.
Today’s inductive AI can only solve problems in the narrow problem space we predefine.