Australian Healthcare’s Darkest Hour
The NSW nurses have not just threatened individual patients—they have desecrated what it means to be Australian.
A collection of 6 posts
The NSW nurses have not just threatened individual patients—they have desecrated what it means to be Australian.
When the CEO of a boardgame awards show boasted publicly that she’d be disqualifying all nominees who ‘identify as Zionists,’ her event was quickly dropped from North America’s biggest game convention.
A conversation with author and free-speech advocate David Bernstein.
When I learned that Alice Walker and I would both be speaking at the same literary festival, I seized the chance to expose her views.
New York Times editor and opinion writer Bari Weiss talks to Jonathan Kay about How to Fight Anti-Semitism, her new book on the rise in anti-Semitism in the U.S. on the Left and the Right, and what we can do to combat it. Featured image, Bari Weiss on Real
Despite sporadic episodes of horrific anti-Semitic hatred such as this, the modern West remains, by historical standards, a safe environment for Jews—something worth acknowledging, even as we join Tree Of Life in a collective act of mourning.