Who Is the Real Threat to Autonomy and Flourishing Online?
It is misleading to characterize the web as a quasi-democracy.
A collection of 238 posts
It is misleading to characterize the web as a quasi-democracy.
One of the odd-seeming aspects of progressive cancel culture is that many of the figures targeted by mobs aren’t especially conservative in their views.
Science as a discipline is supposed to be based on empirical evidence.
Leaving was a relief but also a loss. There’s plenty to love about Portland.
The moral community is now self-reproducing. It is also self-radicalising.
Everyone, Indigenous and non-Indigenous alike, is free to explore their own spiritual beliefs, of course. But the university is not the place for such exercises.
In A Critique of Anti-Racism, I offer empowerment theory as a framework for anti-racist work, whether it is activism or pedagogy.
As recent studies have shown, these advantages generally don’t go away simply because an athlete has changed their pronouns and hormone chemistry. At the highest levels, the difference between male and female world records typically hovers around 10 percent.
We have to make ourselves equal. No one can do it for us.
The problem, he notes is that there is always going to be a required balance between our trusting inclination of accusations from an apparent victim, and everyone’s inviolable right of due process.
Yes, your car might be stolen even if you lock it and take the keys, but does that mean that no one should remind us to lock our cars and take our keys?
When you are being targeted by aggression, hostility, and hatred, a natural impulse is to want to fight back as hard as possible, and exact revenge.
Individuals with a fragile ego structure also tend to be prone toward black-and-white thinking, which leads them to concrete rather than symbolic solutions.
Is BirthStrike a luxury belief?
Anyone who sought to attend class, go to the dining hall, or even turn in schoolwork was denounced as a “scab,” and often faced acts of bullying.