The Creeping Orthodoxy of the Neurodiversity Movement
Neurodiversity is on the right track, and I support the agenda as it builds upon the civil rights movement.
A collection of 238 posts
Neurodiversity is on the right track, and I support the agenda as it builds upon the civil rights movement.
The campaign to label Canada a genocide state isn’t an isolated phenomenon, but is playing out as part of a larger effort to destroy any publicly displayed symbol of national pride.
It’s notable that no-one on TikTok is diagnosing themselves with schizophrenia or severe personality disorders such as antisocial and borderline.
“Cancel culture” has become a trendy term in recent years. But public shaming has always existed. It’s a social tool, and like all tools can be used for good or ill.
Our choice of words affects the way we think. That’s why we spend so much time fighting over which terms to use, whether it’s “undocumented immigrants” versus “illegal aliens,” “foetuses” versus “unborn babies,” or “militants” versus “terrorists.” In recent years, the question of word choice has figured prominently
The radicals, always livid, always demanding more, insist that all this is window dressing. A sham.
They’re embarking on an experiment that I think will ultimately fail and will ultimately harm children, but it’s an experiment that they’re entitled to embark on.
The increasing power of college diversity bureaucrats over academic affairs since the 1990s has been stunning.
The white Jewish leaders who attended were told in advance that they were expected to come and listen—to be seen and not heard.
How can you expect population parity in an enterprise when there are some groups (Asians? Jews?) who are significantly overrepresented?
Once you sweep aside all the glitter showers, animated unicorns, and rainbow emojis, that is ultimately what gender supremacism is truly about.
If you’re willing to endure the painful trial of self, you will be better for it in the end. And, with enough of us, the world will be better, too.
Teenagers are being told that puberty is a time for them to make decisions about sex and gender, this at a time when they have none of the life experience that would be necessary to make such existential choices.
They came to build the future and make money in the process.